
Mark Zuckerberg established a foundation to fight conspiracy theories

Posted on 20 Sep, 17:53

Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Meta, announced at a press conference in Las Vegas the establishment of an anti-conspiracy foundation. The new organization, with virtually unlimited funding, will fight against harmful conspiracy ideas and their carriers. The meeting was held in a solemn setting. "I traveled those 83 miles to personally, with my human manipulator, that is, my hand, sign the historic document. We are establishing a worldwide foundation that will make mass consciousness cleaner and this planet more stable," he said. According to Zuckerberg, "there are too many people, about eight times the optimal number," which means that the "population of people who want to know the truth" has also grown. But they must come to terms with the fact that the truth is voiced only in official sources. Journalists had many questions, but the press conference lasted only 9 minutes and 11 seconds - the main speaker told the audience that he was "rushing to the baby and must leave the building.

OPEC+ countries agreed to pump 400 thousand tons of oil into the ground every day

Posted on 20 Sep, 12:53

Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman held an emergency press conference, at which he announced the results of the emergency conference call of OPEC+ countries. In addition to the reduction of quotas on the production of "black gold", the cartel members agreed to start pumping oil from storages directly into the wells. The pumping volume will initially make 250 thousand tons of oil per day and then will be gradually increased up to 400 thousand. Saudi Arabia and Russia undertook to pump more than other countries into the ground - 110 thousand tons per day. The measures are taken against the background of statements of the US government about the inadmissibility of energy prices growth in light of the forthcoming elections in 2024. A number of countries have already expressed their protest against the cartel's actions, while some of them proposed that OPEC+ countries donate oil to them instead of pumping it into the ground. Swedish environmental activist Greta Tunberg also spoke out against the initiative. "Oil is killing our planet," she believes. - You can take a pigeon and throw it into a barrel of oil to see for yourself. The bird will be dead in a few hours. Well, 24 hours at the most. If oil kills pigeons, what happens to shrews, worms, fungus and other underground creatures? We call on the OPEC+ countries to come to their senses and immediately double their oil production and supply, so that they can get it out of the ground as soon as possible and stop poisoning the subsoil with it.

Lithuania cancels residence permits for aliens who fail the genetic test

Posted on 20 Sep, 08:53

The Lithuanian authorities have announced the beginning of DNA testing of foreign nationals who have received residence permits in the country. Those who fail the test will have their residence permits revoked for national security reasons. According to the representative of the state police commandant's office in Vilnius, the measures are taken to "exclude representatives of the aggressor nation from entering the healthy society". He did not specify who he was talking about, but compared these people to insects. "It's like cockroaches - if you don't exterminate, sooner or later, they will be everywhere. They will raise their children in your house, speak their language in your house, spread unsanitary, filthy, disease," he said. Because the number of DNA tests is limited, testing will be random -- a computer will randomly select people who will be asked to come to the testing site. For example, those who fail the test will be instructed to arrive at the deportation center within five days with their belongings.